
Unit 4 - Labour trends and human resource management

Unit 4
Labour trends and human resource management

I.         Introduction
(A)    Asia-Pacific region at 2 distinct levels:
1.        Aggregate or macro-level
a)        Demographic determinants of population and labour force growth
b)        Economies are not isolated, the labour migration between countries and how this affects labour market dynamics
2.        Organizational or micro-level
a)        How human resources are managed within the organization

(B)    The relationship between external and internal labour markets is associated with features of firm’s HRM system
1.        The degree of bureaucratization and professionalization of HRM

(C)    Characteristics of HRM systems:
1.        Supply and demand for labour and dynamism of external labour markets
2.        Labour organization
3.        Culture

(D)   Those are associated with the complexity, formalization and centralization of labour markets within medium/large organizations

II.      The labour force in Asia-Pacific: Borderless frontiers
(A)    Labour demographics
1.        The demographic transition from high high to low birth and death rates began in Europe and North American with the Industrial Revolution
2.        That same transition is occurring much faster in the developing world
3.        compared with other developing regions, the transition to low fertility began sooner in Asia and has gone further
4.        During the period 1965-80, the world experienced a marked decline in crude death rates
a)        The decline in most economies was 30-40% and did not vary much among regions
b)        Substantial regional variation in the extent to which declines in birth rates held in check the potentially explosive growth in population from the rapid mortality decrease
c)        The rate of population growth declined in all the East Asian economies quite sharply
5.        Important implications for a country’s labour force
a)        Changes in urbanization, the age structure of the population and international migration
6.        Urbanization
a)        Compared with the historical experience of developed nations, recent urbanization in developing countries
b)        Since 1970 the level of urbanization has been rising quickly among three ASEAN countries, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia
c)        Positive relationship between the level of economic development and level of urbanization
d)        High but the corresponding absolute increase have also been quite sizable due to the large population base
7.        Age structural change
a)        Pronounced fertility declines and significant mortality improvements among a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific regions
b)        The declining dependency ratios are likely to facilitate their developmental process
c)        Low dependency ratios are expected to undergo a substantial increase, due to rapid rise in the proportion of the elderly

(B)    Diversity and change
1.        The Asia-Pacific region has experienced rapid growth since Japan’s economic take-off in the 1950s
2.        The benefits of economic growth are now emanating out to parts of Indochina and South Asia
3.        Export to world markets of labour-intensive manufactured products:
a)        Textiles
b)        Garments
c)        Toys
d)        Footwear
4.        Cheap labour was a significant national resources and export-oriented industrialization was a create full employment
a)        Declines in population and labour force growth led quickly to labour shortages
b)        Some export industries heavily dependent on unskilled labour, Singapore and Hong Kong
5.        Limited employment of foreign workers in the NIEs
a)        Labour shortages and rapidly rising wages forced manufacturing industries to make further adjustments to changing comparative advantage
b)        Relocating existing labour-intensive production offshore was a path that taken by both Japanese and western companies
c)        Added to domestic labour cost pressures in motivating offshore investment in lower-wage neighboring countries in Southeast Asia and China
6.        Multinational and local enterprises were substitution of capital for labour
a)        The technological upgrading of previously labour-intensive industries
b)        Shifts into higer value-added manufacturing and services
c)        Some high-skilled labour also began to be imported into Indonesia and China was inadequate to meet the demand generated by rapid growth
7.        Structural change in national labour markets in the East Asia region has largely the product of rapid economic growth
a)        NIEs and the ASEAN countries has encouraged firms to economize on the use of unskilled labour by moving up the industrial-technology ladder
b)        Producing workers suitably qualified by education, training and experience for high-skill jobs
c)        The sills shortages have also appeared throughout the region
8.        The Asian financial crisis of 1997 also brought a significant social impact
a)        Sharing the benefits of economic growth through steadily improving employment prospects
b)        Deterioration in labour market conditions:
                                                                  i.              Substantial retrenchments in financial services and manufacturing sectors
                                                                ii.              Reduced the employment prospects of the new entrants and re-employment prospects of displaced workers
                                                              iii.              Rise in underemployment occurred under the displaced workers and unsuccessful new job seekers into the rural and urban informal sectors
9.        2 features of economic systems amplify their effects in the 3 economies
a)        Absence of a meaningful social safety net
                                                                  i.              Republic of Korea has an unemployment insurance system
                                                                ii.              Recent origin and offers limited coverage and duration
b)        Social assistance are also rudimentary and are limited to those who are incapable of work
c)        Social expectations in these countries have been shaped by a long period of increasing employment opportunities
d)        The reversal all the more difficult to comprehened
10.    Government responded to rising unemployment in 3 main ways:
a)        Send home foreign workers
                                                                  i.              Migrant workers were working illegally
                                                                ii.              Such as Thailand and Malaysia
                                                              iii.              Repatriation may not reduce unemployment
b)        Governments are trying to mitigate the unemployment problem is by encouraging those with farming roots to go back to them
                                                                  i.              Indonesians government cut train fares for those making the annual trip to their home village
c)        Introduce job-creation programmes and plan social safety nets
                                                                  i.              Coverage in return for trade unions agreeing to a change in the law to allow lay-offs

(C)    Labour migration
1.        The Asia-Pacific regions has experienced considerable change in the post-war period
a)        For Asia the change has been even more radical, with a number of countries enjoying unprecedented rates of economic over a sustained period
b)        Living standards have gone from some of the lowest to among the highest in the world
2.        Transformation has been the increasing spatial mobility of people across national borders
a)        International migration has a long history in the Asia-Pacific region
b)        Towards a ‘white migrant’ policy, opportunities for Asian migrants became much more restricted
c)        Migration to Southeast Asia occurred as Chinese trading posts were established countries
                                                                  i.              Asia in the mid-1990s supplied around 40 per cent of the annual intake of immigrants
                                                                ii.              Asia in thr post-period should be seen in the context of global fertility and population growth
                                                              iii.              With low fertility affecting the populations of the settler societies
3.        The migratory swithch represents but one component in an expanding and increasingly complex international migration system
a)        Asia seek out new opportunities and labour-deficit areas within Asia supply
4.        Asian migration patterns
a)        Great range of migration and development experience across the region
                                                                  i.              Vietnam and China would be classed as middle income
                                                                ii.              HK, Japan and Singapore enjoy much higher levels of income
                                                              iii.              China and Indonesia are geographically and demographically huge, with an enormous range of internal diversity
5.        The Philippines
a)        Emigration is the continued rapid growth rate of the labour force
b)        The composition of emigrant flows
                                                                  i.              Unskilled laborer through the skilled technician to the white-collar service employee
                                                                ii.              Balance between the sexes with women of all skill levels involved in migration
                                                              iii.              Product of prior American involvement and national policy that gives migrants from the Philippines a competitive edge
6.        Indonesia
a)        Primarily made up of workers entering menial occupations in the Middle East and Malaysia
b)        Diminishing and more migrants are going to other Asian countries as a result of the relative slow-down in the Middle East and the rapid growth on East and Southeast Asia
c)        Growing economy and labor shortage in Malaysia, relatively short distance and the similarity in language, religion and culture
d)        More skilled in Indonesia are not so competitive as few are proficient in the English language
e)        No migrants from Indonesia with professional expertise or technical qualifications
f)          Indonesian companies are hiring foreign workers, especially from India and the Philippines
7.        Thailand
a)        Seek employment abroad to earn higher income
b)        Emigrate or remain illegally in other countries, Thai contract workers have been going abroad since the mid-1970s
c)        The major destinations of Thai contract workers are the Middle East, Africa, ASEAN and other Asian countries
8.        Malaysia
a)        Explain its high and two-way labour mobility include:
                                                                  i.              Advanced stage of development and high wage levels compared with immediate neighbors
                                                                ii.              Plantation and modern industrial sectors which accentuates the disparities of opportunity and income
                                                              iii.              Vulnerability to global economic fluctuations and consequent labour surpluses and shortages
b)        Suffered high rates of emigration of professional, technical and skilled workers in the 1980s and related to the recession in Malaysia
c)        The liberalization of immigration policies and perceptions of fairer economic opportunitie and better quality of life in some receiving countries
d)        Typical Malaysian migrant has tertiary education with a young family in a middle or senior management position
e)        Semi-skilled and unskilled workers, in the 1960s emigration from Malaysia was confined to the region, mainly Singapore
f)          There is a large group of about 100,000 Malaysians who work in Singapore
9.        Hong Kong
a)        The migration to Hong Kong of capital, entrepreneurial talent and labour from China was critical in the transformation from an entrepot to the industrial centre
b)        Labour came from 3 main sources:
                                                                  i.              Local, even though the original source might have been China
                                                                ii.              Direct migration from China that HK were provided by this source between 1976 and 1981 400,000 net additions to HK
c)        Skilled migration controlled either by the colonial administration to fill positions in the public service or mainly British firms bringing in managerial staff
d)        HK to China and ongoing liberalization of the Chinese economy brought a significant increase in emigration
e)        HK has increasingly taken o the characteristics of a ‘gobal city’ with a marked trend towards a services economy
                                                                  i.              Polarized between high value white collat activities on the one hand and low paid service occupation
                                                                ii.              The number of foreign professional immigrants has increased considerably in recent years
10.    HK’s booming economy also attracts a large number of illegal migrants
a)        Increasing numbers of overstayers from other parts of Asia
b)        Immigrants caught and repatriated increased from 10-12,000 per annum between 1981 and to 43-44,000 in 1992 and 1993
11.    Triggered regional migration as a process complementing the transfer of trade and capital and reinforcing the processes of regional integration
a)        Short-term workers who do not settle down permanently in their adopted countries
12.    Effect of market forces cause labour market increase internationalized on a global regional basis:
a)        Policy liberalizations
b)        Information flows
c)        Technological developments

III.     Management of labor in Asia-Pacific
(A)    Responding to trends in the labour supply
1.        Education and training maybe necessary conditions for sustained economic growth
2.        Utilizing human capital in activities thay high returns on the prior investment in education anf training growth as the accumulation of that human capital
3.        2 conditions must be fulfilled for a growing supply  of educated labour to be utilized in high-return activities:
a)        Rapid growth of labour demand relative to supply and skilled labour
                                                                  i.              Demographic trends and labour shortages in many of the Asian economics
                                                                ii.              Demand tended to outstrip supply in most cases
b)        Labour market must perform efficiently
                                                                  i.              Efficient, flexible and responsive to changing conditions
                                                                ii.              Workers are employed in jobs that their skills are most productively utilized
4.        Shift in the aggregate supply and demand for labour in Asia have led to rapidly rising real wages
a)        East Asia’s rate of increase in wages is the result of slower growth of supply and more rapid growth of demand for labour
b)        The early demographic transition also reduced, the rate growth of new entrants into the labour force
5.        The growth rapidly, labour demand in Asia has become increasingly skill-intensive
a)        Wage management with white collar and technical employment increased steadily during the 1970s and the 1980s
b)        The pace of change in the occupational structure of employment is lower in other developing regions
c)        The occupational composition of labour demand in the Asian economies reflected increase in the abundance of education labour
d)        East Asian exporters shifted into more technologically sophisticated, skill-intensive goods as rapidly
e)        Rising wages of unskilled labour eroded international competitiveness in labour-intensive manufactured goods
6.        Reluctance of Asian governments to intervene heavily in the operation of labour markets
a)        High level of efficiency in the allocation of labour was achieved by allowing wages
b)        Employment to be determined largely by the interaction of those supplying and demanding labour service
c)        East Asian economies avoided the creation of a high-wage labour elite
d)        Combination with marked increase in the abundance of educated workers, compressed the occupational structure of waes
7.        Reduced the incentive for educated workers to conduct a lengthy search for a relatively high-wage job rather than fill a job slot at lower occupational level
a)        Provide an incentive to workers in low-income employment
b)        The government to provide more high-wage jobs than justified by the derived demand for labour
c)        Workers accept flexibility of wages rather than decline in real earnings
d)        Government intervened in labour markets, primarily for political reasons, suppress the activities of industry-or economy-wide unions and ensure that wage bargains were set at the enterprise level
8.        The benefits of maintaining wages at market clearing levels were considerable
a)        Retained earnings accounted for higher proportion of investment finance, reducing reliance on underdeveloped capital markets
b)        Greater competitiveness in international markets, the faster rates of growth of output, employment and earnings

(B)    Labour-management relations
1.        Employment relationship cannot be regarded as simply an exchange of labour for pay
a)        Power relationship which the employer has the formal authority to direct effort towards specific goals
b)        The employment relationship goes beyond money to include a number of secondary issues
                                                                  i.              Working conditions
                                                                ii.              The length of the workings day
                                                              iii.              Vacation time
                                                               iv.              Measures of participation
2.        Union (mixture of movement and organization)
a)        Meet workers’ individual needs, protecting them from exploitation and negotiating improved wages and conditions
b)        Collective purpose that extends to a political role
c)        Trade unions offer an alternative focus for employee commitment and power base that can clash with the prerogatives of management
3.        Trade unions have attempted to replace individual bargaining with collective bargaining increase employee bargaining power
a)        Counter employers’ attempts to create competition between workers
b)        This requires solidarity between union members
c)        Union goals are to obtain standardized wages conditions at the best possible level
d)        Employers have preferred to del with employees on an individual basis
4.        Large organizations in free-market countries have attempted to move away from traditional mechanisms
a)        Focus has switched to individual rather than collective bargaining
b)        Anglo and European nations take place through:
                                                                  i.              Personal contacts, allowing employers to offer pay increase to staff willing to accept such contracts but not to workers wishing to remain as union members
                                                                ii.              Organizational change method, managers cascade information throughout the organization by means of a series of meetings and collect ideas and criticisms t be funneled upwards
                                                              iii.              Quality circles, emphasizing direct dialogue between staff and line management on the subject of improving procedures
5.        Resisted the introduction of change methods
a)        Depend on staff and management talking directly to each other
b)        Main source of union power as the filter of information and innovation
c)        Reduced to the primary subjects of pay, holidays and discipline, removing the unions form the discussion of procedures

IV.    Human resource management (HRM)
(A)    HRM is a distinctive approach to manage people
1.        People management based on the belief that human resources are uniquely important to sustained business success
2.        HRM is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible and committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key competencies
3.        The stress is on people as human resources
4.        The Harvard approach
a)        Element of mutually in all businesses
b)        Employees are significant stakeholders in an organization
c)        Needs and concern, along with other groups such as shareholders and customers
5.        The Harvard model address 4 strategic policy areas:
a)        Human resources flows, managing the movement and performance of people:
                                                                  i.              Effective recruitment programmes and selection techniques
                                                                ii.              Placing them in the most appropriate jobs, appraising their performance and promoting the better employees
                                                              iii.              Terminating the employment of those no longer required, deemed unsuitable or achieving retirement age
                                                               iv.              Must ensure the right mix and number of staff in the organization
b)        Reward system
                                                                  i.              Pay and benefits designed to attract
                                                                ii.              Motivate and keep employment
c)        Employee influence
                                                                  i.              Controlling levels of authority
                                                                ii.              Power
                                                              iii.              Decision-making
d)        Work systems, defining and designing jobs
                                                                  i.              Arrangement of people
                                                                ii.              Information and technology provides the most productive and efficient results
6.        Policies result in the ‘Four C’
a)        Commitment of employees to the organization’s mission and values
b)        Congruence, linking human resource objectives with the organization’s goal
c)        Competence, developing an appropriate mixture of skills, abilities and knowledge
d)        Cost-effectiveness, delivering performance in a competitive manner
7.        The Harvard model is Strongly influenced by behavioral research and theory and stands in the tradition of ‘human relations’
a)        Not demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment comply
b)        Decision-making is channeled through top managers, emphasis on participation throughout the organization

(B)    Planning
1.        HRM planning can defined as a process that anticipates and maps out the consequences of business strategy on an organization’s human resource requirements
2.        Human resources planning is closely linked to the strategic planning process that ensure that the enterprises has the necessary people to follow the strategic plan
3.        Plan is likely to include:
a)        Jobs which come into being, be ceased, or be changed
b)        Possibilities for redeployment and retraining
c)        Changes in management and supervision
d)        Training requirement
e)        Programmes for requirements
f)          Implications for employee relations
g)        Feedback mechanism for company objectives
h)        Methods for dealing with HR problems such as the inability to obtain sufficient technically skilled workers
4.        HRM implies that planning has to go beyond simply anticipating employment numbers, into the softer areas of employee attitudes, behavior and commitment
5.        Critical to HR development, performance assessment and the management of change
6.        Information need to gathered through some form of human resource audit which linked to a conventional of organization’s human capital:
a)        Strengths, such as existing skills, individual expertise and unused talent
b)        Weaknesses, including inadequate skills, talent which are missing in the workforce because they are too expensive and inflexible people
c)        Opportunities, such as developed in existing staff and talent which can be bought from the external job market
d)        Threats, including the risk of talent being lost to competitors
7.        The majority of large organization use some form of resource planning, often this is poorly done and insufficiently linked to corporate strategy
a)        Chwee-Huat (Singapore)
                                                                  i.              Dependency on foreign workers
                                                                ii.              Ageing workforce
                                                              iii.              Impact of companies relocating their labour-intensive industries to other countries
                                                               iv.              Problems related to privatization of government-linked companies

(C)    Recruitment and selection
1.        Recruiting is the process of attracting job candidates who have the abilities and attitude to help the organization achieve its objectives
a)        Natural follow-up to human resource planning
b)        Focus attention on recruiting these people
2.        The ways for recruitment:
a)        Advertisement
b)        Opening through company publications and bulletin boards
c)        Encourage present employees to tell their friends and relatives about job openings
3.        Exploring longer-term solutions to the dearth of management talent
a)        Education and recurrent training
b)        Example of Vietnam
4.        The selection process begins
a)        Enterprise chooses the applications who best meet the criteria for the available positions
b)        Ensure the best available candidates are selected, an organization must compare the applicants against the criteria established for job
c)        Having 5 basic categories:
                                                                  i.              Education
                                                                ii.              Experience
                                                              iii.              Physical characteristics
                                                               iv.              Personal characteristics
                                                                 v.              Personality types
d)        The organization must use selection instruments that are both valid and reliable

(D)   Retention and development
1.        The retention of managerial staff is a critical problem in a number of Asian countries
a)        Job-hopping is rife in HK and sectors in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia
b)        The problem of retention is linked to 2 major factors:
                                                                  i.              Scarcity
                                                                ii.              Volatile short-term political situation of some environments, which undermines incentives that stress loyalty to the firm
2.        Process which managers obtain the skills, experience and attitudes that they need to become or remain successful leaders
3.        The reasons for using management development, many of which parallel the reasons for employee training
a)        Reducing or preventing managerial obsolescence by keeping the individual up-to-date in the field
b)        Increasing the manager’s overall effectiveness
c)        Increasing the manager’s overall satisfaction with the job
4.        3 main causes of obsolescence:
a)        Inability to keep up with technological changes in the field
b)        Individuals to positions for which they are unqualified
c)        Managers get older they find it difficult to keep up with the latest developments in their field
5.        Obsolescence hits some organizations harder than others
a)        Companies in high-technology industries and a large percentage of managers are near retirement
b)        Individuals with higher levels of education and strong work ethic motivation are least likely to become obsolete
6.        The ways to retain staff:
a)        Establish the perception that personnel policies are fair
b)        Reward people within their cultural norms
c)        Generate a sense of belonging to the group
d)        Consistent long-term human resources policy
7.        Definitions of fairness
a)        Perception that one is justly treated in relation to one’s peers, vary from country to country
b)        Respect that due to one’s rank and expectation of a kind of paternalistic benevolence than in terms of western egalitarianism
8.        Personnel prefer to be rewarded on the basis of behavior (Loyalty and honesty) rather than on quantifiable performance criteria
9.        Growing competitive pressure many companies face is causing new pressures for the HRM function
a)        South Korea’s Samsung Group announced a human resource scheme called the New Management Programme
b)        Recruit more women and devolve greater decision-making powers to local level managers
c)        The policies are seen to improve organizational efficiency, many employees are feeling more stressed with greater dissatisfaction about the ability to balance work and family life
d)        Less satisfaction with management and nature of communication and consultation
e)        Human resource managers in managing individuals’ expectations and experiences in the workplace
10.    Employee development has become a concern to a number of government in the Asia-Pacific region
a)        Stepped in to facilitate market transitions
b)        HK as a example, experienced an economic transformation from a manufacturing-based to a service-based economy that impacted on the demand for manual labour
c)        Employee Retraining Board was set up to provide employees’ retraining programmes (ERP) for unemployed manual workers

(E)    Training
1.        Process of altering employee behavior and attitudes in a way that increase the probability of goal attainment
2.        Learning is the acquisition of skills, knowledge and abilities that result in a relatively permanent change in behaviour
3.        Devote considerable resources to training and developing employees
4.        Cooperating with their host governments to develop school curricula that produce skilled workers
5.        Some secondary education emphasized qualities need to excel in a factory environment which discipline and memorization
6.        Management must be prepared to:
a)        Make it clear that training has a high priority
b)        Reward those who train their people
c)        Actively participate in training programmes to keep abreast of the latest developments in their own areas of expertise
7.        Some ways for organization anticipates and plans for the types of training that will keep the workforce up-to-date:
a)        Human resources management in the strategic planning process
b)        Affect what management expects of the employees, including technological, social/psychological, economic, political and intellectual trends
c)        Resist the tendency to use training just to handle immediate, short-term problems
d)        Set a regular, criterion-based planning and review process which build a pool of potentially promotable individuals
e)        Encourage input from those who will be trained, in designing and implementing training programmes
f)          Conduct human resource audits to measure the organizational climate
8.        Some organizations try to keep up-to-date records on employee training needs
a)        Rely on periodic assessments for discovering who needs training
b)        Given subordinates the most effective on-the-job training
c)        Conducting needs analysis surveys which analysis questionnaires or procedures

(F)    Termination
1.        Focus on HRM is based on successful, growing companies
a)        Managers expected to implement redundancies and closures as a result of strategic decision
b)        The emphasis on job security as a prerequisite for an effective human resource strategy, the reality in free-market economies demands planning for redundancies
c)        Managers in charge of redundancy programmes typically focus on target numbers, with little or no though about the quality of the staff leaving the business
d)        Retention strategies for key staff are even more during periods of redundancy
e)        Globalization is affecting the likely basis for termination, which emphasized group harmony and age norms, the ‘new HR policy’ emphasizes a performance-based system

V.       Implication of HRM and labour for organizational development strategies
1.        Sophistication and importance of people management is greater in larger organization
a)        In small companies the owners deal with all management functions
b)        Professional standards these activities are often inadequately handled, the quality of the employment relationships can be high
c)        Owners and employees may work closely on a personal level
d)        Larger organizations employ highly trained human resources practitioners using advanced selection, assessment and reward techniques
e)        The principles of comprehensiveness, coherence, control and communication which might result in remote and conflict-ridden relationships developing between people at different levels within the organization
2.        Large businesses have to be prganized in a deliberate, formal way with groups of workers reporting to individual managers or supervisors
a)        With a formal structure that to be clearer division between specialist functions, including that designated to look after aspects of people management
b)        Typically HR managers are closely involoved in the effective distribution of people and development of management structures
c)         Focus on matching human resources to strategic objectives
d)        Larger organizations display some degree of specialization, centralization and hierarchy
3.        Diffusion of HRM ideas has led to a move away from the centralized HRM departments
a)        Line managers have become more involved in activities such as selection, recruitment and performance appraisal
b)        Division of work between various aspects of people management
c)        Senior management take responsibility for human resources strategy
d)        Line managers assume operational responsibility for their people
e)        Human resource specialists provide specific services ranging from administration to selection programmes and counseling
4.        Organizational structures can be regarded as people management systems
a)        Simple hierarchies along traditional lines to complex networks
b)        Based on informal working relationships
c)        Structures are power and control system that constrain or facilitate the freedom of employees to act and make decisions
d)        Organizational structures can be classified into a number of types, including functional, divisional, matrix, federations and networks
5.        HRM is conducted in a variety of ways due to these constraints and because strategic decisions taken to meet organizational goals
6.        Flexibility is required from employees and managers to meet increasingly competitive circumstances

VI.    Outlook for the future
1.        Labour factor continue to be central to economic growth and development in the region
a)        Predictions that intelligent machines ad information systems will displace labour seems to be grossly exaggerated
b)        Low-cost, labour-intensive activities such as data capture and entry
c)        Companies in the high wage economics have devolved
d)        Higher-skilled, knowledge-intensive activities, skilled labour continues to be the key resource
2.        Demand for relatively low-skilled and low-cost labour
a)        Such as Asia-Pacific
                                                                  i.              China, suppliers of labour for manufacturing activities
                                                                ii.              India, demanding low cost clerical labour
                                                              iii.              Japan, HK, Singapore and Taiwan pursued a strategy of upskilling and more into higher value-adding activities
b)        Relied on attracting highly skilled personnel for abroad, both within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region
3.        Demographic trends within the region
a)        Continue to rely on imported labour
                                                                  i.              Maintain attractive working and living environments for globally mobile personnel
                                                                ii.              NIEs strive to ensure the continuing movement of labour within the region
4.        Changing age structure of their populations
a)        Sizeable growth of the number of aged within their populations by the year 2025
b)        Declining birth rates and improved health mean that this trend is one that will affect all economies
5.        Growth of long-term unemployed, particularly those with limited the skills
a)        The secondary school years coincided with the Cultural Revolution, when many urban youngsters were sent to the country for a decade
b)        They represent perhaps the most intractable ageing problem anywhere in the world
c)        Shanghai (China, most intractable ageing problem anywhere in the world
6.        Integration of labour markets within the Asia-Pacific region
a)        Foreign direct investment and technology transfer within the region has been mirrored by labour migration
b)        Recipients of migrant  workers who have moved from the rest of developing Asia
c)        Governments face a difficult task balancing political/social sensitivities with the commercial realities of labour needs as Asia
7.        Convergence in HRM practices
a)        Trend away from collective towards personal contracts
b)        More Western organizations are adopting Japanese-style quality circles and team working
c)        Foreign investment between Asia and other major triad blocs has resulted in a transplantation of practices and structures
d)        Maintain the three ‘pillars’ of employment
                                                                  i.              Applied to small core of regular employees, Japanese companies have dismissed employees in the past
                                                                ii.              Honda, Fujitsu and Sony move to a wage system of ‘annual salary’
e)        More organizations around the world begin to implement so-called ‘best practices’

