
consumer behavior ch.6


I.  Consumption is the Consumer’s Use of a Purchased Product
A. Consumption behaviors exhibited by consumers can be either a user or nonuser of specific products.
B. In understanding consumption behavior marketers try to answer these questions:
1.          When does consumption occur?
2.          Where does consumption occur?
3.          How is the product consumed?
4.          How much is consumed?
a. Usage volume segmentation can segment the market by the amount consumed
1.          Heavy users
2.          Moderate users
3.          Light users
C. To understand consumption experiences, the marketer wants to know:
1.          How does it feel to consume the product?
2.          Was the experience rewarding or punishing?
a. Was there positive reinforcement?
b. Was there negative reinforcement?
3.          Did it confirm or disconfirm expectations?
D. Consumption norms and rituals
1.          Consumption norms are informal rules that govern consumption
2.          Consumption rituals are defined as “a type of expressive, symbolic activity constructed of multiple behaviors that occur in a fixed, episodic sequence, and that tend to be repeated over time. Ritual behavior is dramatically scripted and acted out and is performed with formality, seriousness, and inner intensity.”
E. Compulsive consumption
1.          Compulsive consumption are purchase practices that are done to bolster self-esteem, are inappropriate, excessive and disruptive to the lives of those involved, resulting in feelings of guilt and helplessness.
2.          Examples of compulsive consumption are:
a. Gambling problems
b. Shopping addiction
c. Web-dependency
II.  Post consumption Evaluations
A. The importance of customer satisfaction
1.          It influences repeat buying
2.          It shapes word-of-mouth communication
3.          Dissatisfaction leads to complaints
4.          Creates implications for competitive strategy
B. What determines customer satisfaction?
1.          Product performance
a.       Good performance may lead to dissatisfaction if the consumer’s expectation of performance is not realized
(the expectancy disconfirmation model)
1.          Negative disconfirmation
2.          Positive disconfirmation
3.          Confirmation
C. Ambiguity of the consumption experience occurs when the consumer cannot determine if they are benefiting by the use of the product.

