

l   關係代名詞的選用:先決定先行詞

Who that
Whom that
Which that
The N of which
Of which the N
Which that
l   再判斷格的使用:判斷關係代名詞在形容詞子句中是扮演何種角色

(關係代名詞)+ V…
(關係代名詞)+ N + V(當主詞)
(關係代名詞)+ S + V + (介)
l   Who: (人當主格)
EX: She as an uncle. He is very rich.
=  She has an uncle who is very rich.

EX: The man is coming to the tea. He wrote this poem.
= The man who wrote this poem is coming to tea.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1.       I have decided to hire that man. He can speak English. 
 I have decided to hire that man who can speak English.                                     
2.       Mike met a man. The man is a teacher. 
Mike met a man who is a teacher.         
3.       He has a son. He is very wise.
 He has a son  who   is very wise. 

l   Which: (物當主格)
EX: This is the book. It deals with English grammar.
= This is the book which deals with English grammar.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1.     The road is sandy. It leads to the shore. 

 The road  which  leads to the shore  is sandy

2.     I bought a book. The book is very interesting.
I bought a book which  is very interesting. 
3.     She has a beautiful house. That house cost her a lot.
She has a beautiful house  which  cost her a lot.   

l   Whom: (人當受格)
EX: She has an uncle. She loves him.
= She has an uncle whom she loves.

EX: This is the boy. I met the boy at the station yesterday.
= This is the boy whom I met at the station yesterday.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1.     This is the boy. I have been waiting for the boy. 
This is the boy whom I have been waiting for.
2.     Mr. Lee is a teacher. Everyone respects him a lot.
Mr. Lee is a teacher whom everyone respects him a lot.                      
3.     Tom is a criminal. Everyone is searching for him.
Tom is a criminal whom everyone  is searching for.

l   Which: (物當受格)
EX: This is the book. I bought the book yesterday.
= This is the book which I bought yesterday.

EX: The water is fresh. We drink the water every day.
= The water which we drink every day is fresh.

! 請將以下句子合併成形容詞子句
1.     This is the book. I am looking for the book.
This is the book which I am looking for the book. 
2.     These are the photographs. I took some photographs last month.
These are the photographs which I  took last month.
3.     Bring me the magazines. I have left them in the room.
Bring me the magazines which I  left them in the room.

! Exercise: Please fill the blanks with who/ whom
1.       The children( who  live down the street in the yellow hose)are always polite.
2.       The children  whom  we wanted in the park were feeding ducks in a pond.
3.       The people  whom   we visited gave us tea and a light snack.
4.       I know some people  who   live on the boat.
5.       I talked to the woman  who   was sitting next to me.
6.       I saw the people  who  were playing football at the park.
7.       My mother is a person  whom  I admire tremendously.
8.       Marie and Luis Escobar still keep in touch with many of the students  whom  they met in their English class five years ago.
9.       People who listen to very loud music may suffer gradual hearing loss.
10.     At the supermarket yesterday, one of the store employees caught a man  who had put a beefsteak in his coat pocket and attempted to walk out without paying.
11.     The couple  whom  I invited to dinner at my home were two hours late. I thought that was very rude. They didn’t call. They didn’t have an excuse. They didn’t apologize. I’ll never invite them again.

! Exercise: Please fill the blanks with who/ whom
1.       The woman whom  I met last night was interesting.
2.       The man who answered the phone was polite.
3.       The people whom  Nadia is visiting live on Elm Street.
4.       The students who came to class late missed the quiz.
5.       The man  who married my mother is now my stepfather.
6.       The man whom  my mother married now is my stepfather.
7.       Do you know the boy who is talking to Anita?
8.       I’ve become good friends with several of the people whom  I met in my English class.
9.       The woman  whom  I saw in the park was feeding the pigeons.
10.     The woman who was feeding the pigeons had a sackful of bread crumbs.

! Exercise: Please fill the blanks with who/ whom/ which
1.       The manager  who fired Tom is a difficult person to work for.
2.       The box which I mailed to my sister was heavy.
3.       The people who sat in the stadium cheered for the home team.
4.       The calendar  which hang in Paul’s office has pictures of wildlife.
5.       The teenagers counted the money which they earned at the car wash.
6.       The people  whom  my brother called didn’t answer their phone.
7.          The tree branch  which was lying in the street was a hazard to motorists.

Quotation Marks的用法

Quotation Marks

1. Place all other punctuation outside quotation marks unless it was contained in the original source.
eg. How dare you call me a "bad apple"!

2.  The use of single quotation marks around an internal quotation enables the reader to easily distinguish the internal quote from the material surrounding it.
eg. "The rationale of the qualified privilege developed by the Court ... invoked the authority of Justice Murphy's Chaplinsky dictum: the calculated falsehood, 'the lie, knowingly and deliberately published about a public official,' is simply beyond the constitutional pale."

Quotation Mark Exercise
1.          Mary is trying hard in school this semester, her father said. 
2.          No, the taxi driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes.
3.          I believe, Jack remarked, that the best time of year to visit Europe is in the spring. At least that's what I read in a book entitled Guide to Europe.
4.          My French professor told me that my accent is abominable.
5.          She asked, Is Time a magazine you read regularly?
6.          When did Roosevelt say, We have nothing to fear but fear itself?
7.          It seems to me that hip and cool are words that are going out of style.
8.          Yesterday, John said, This afternoon I'll bring back your book Conflict in the Middle East; however, he did not return it.
9.          Can you believe, Dot asked me, that it has been almost five years since we've seen each other?
10.      Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand.

Quotation Mark Exercise Answers
 1.          "Mary is trying hard in school this semester," her father said. 
2.          "No," the taxi driver said curtly, "I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes."
3.          "I believe," Jack remarked, "that the best time of year to visit Europe is in the spring. At least that's what I read in a book entitled Guide to Europe."
4.          My French professor told me that my accent is abominable.
5.          She asked, "Is Time a magazine you read regularly?"
6.          When did Roosevelt say, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"?
7.          It seems to me that hip and cool are words that are going out of style.
8.          Yesterday, John said, "This afternoon I'll bring back your book Conflict in the Middle East"; however, he did not return it.
9.          "Can you believe," Dot asked me, "that it has been almost five years since we've seen each other?"
10.      "Certainly," Mr. Martin said, "I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand."

證券及期貨從業員資格考試(HKSI) paper 8

1.          以下哪一項最貼切地描述恒生中國企業指數的成份股﹖
A.        由恒生綜合指數中的所有H股組成。
B.         由恒生綜合指數中銷售額的50%或以上來自中國內地的股份組成。
C.         由恒生中國內地綜合指數中的非H股公司組成。
D.        由銷售收入主要來自香港或中國內地以外地區的股份組成。

2.     為何基金經理多採用基本分析作投資決定﹖
A     技術分析較適合於大額投資。
B.    基本分析可細緻地考慮經濟因素。
C.    基本分析涉及的成本較技術分析為低。
D.    基本分析所需的時間較短。

3.     20003月香港交易及結算所有限公司成立,參與合併的包括:
A.    香港聯合交易所、金銀貿易場、香港期貨交易所
B.    香港聯合交易所、香港期貨交易所、香港中央結算有限公司
C.    香港聯合交易所、香港金銀貿場、香港中央結算有限公司
D.    香港期貨交易所、香港期貨結算所、香港聯合交易所


A.      50點子買入行使價為6,100的認購期權。
B.      50點子賣出行使價為6,100的認購期權。
C.      50點子買入行使價為6,100的認沽期權。
D.      50點子賣出行使價為6,100的認沽期權。

5.     證券及期貨事務監察委員會並不保證:
A.    監管證券市場失當行為。
B.    執行與證券及期貨市場有關法律。
C.    對犯罪行為作出調查。
D.    對投資者依照經紀的投資建議而招致的損失負責。

6.     某投資者於星期二下午三時三十分通過經紀在聯交所購入香港股票,他須何時交收付款﹖
        A.    星期三
        B.    星期四
        C.    星期五
        D.    下星期一

7.     以下哪一個財務比率最能分映一間公司的短期償債能力﹖
        A.    流動比率
        B.    毛利率
        C.    盈利與利息倍數
        D.    資產負債比率

8.     以下哪種圖形將選定時段內的最高、最低、開市價及收市價畫成垂直條形﹖
        A.    線形圖
        B.    棒形圖
        C.    陰陽燭圖
        D.    點數圖

9.     散戶投資者最不可能使用下列哪類市場參與者的服務﹖
        A.    證券交易商
        B.    證券保證金融資商
        C.    槓桿式外匯交易
        D.    坐盤交易員

10.   以下哪種估值模式是將股本證券的價值相等於預期未來股息的現值﹖
A.    股息折讓模式
        B.    固定股息模式
        C.    股息增長模式
        D.    資本資產定價模式

11.   以下哪一項並非股份過戶登記處的職能﹖
        A.    派發股息及紅股。
        B.    股份轉讓。
        C.    為客戶保管股票。
        D.    存置上市公司股東名冊。

12.   以下哪類人士是發行人上市申請中必須聘用的市場參與者﹖
        A.    保薦人
        B.    包銷商
        C.    證券交易商
        D.    證券保證金融資商

13.   以下哪類人士毋須向證監會申請牌照﹖
A.    交易商或經紀
B.    投資顧問
C.    交易員
D.    高資產值的個人投資者

14.   甚麼人士可接入聯交所自動對盤及成交系統(AMS/3)
A.    交易所參與者
B.    結算所參與者
C.    經互聯網交易的投資者
D.    駁腳經紀

15.   以下哪一項是廉政公署所訂立的「思慮要訣道德抉擇指引」模式中的首個步驟﹖
A.    列出所有利益相關者
B.    客觀衡量每位利益相關者的處境
C.    弄清有關事實,找出涉及的道德問題
D.    找出一切可行的辦法及其對利益相關者的影響

16.   請根據下列資料計算出今天富時100指數的水平:

A.    103.45
B.    3103.45
C.    3000.00
D.    2900.00

17.   大同有限公司股本認股權證會由誰來發行﹖
A.    基金公司
B.    投資銀行
C.    經紀行
D.    大同有限公司

18.   根據《適用於證券及期貨事務監察委察委員會的註冊人或持牌人的管理、監督及內部監控指引》,完善的內部監控程序並不涉及:
A.    開戶程序
B.    交易程序
C.    會計及後勤程序
D.    結束帳戶程序

19.   請以下是ABC公司的財務資料計算其2002年度股本回報率:

A.    15.0%
B.    16.0%
C.    16.7%
D.    18.3%

20.   甚麼個人或商行擔任證券買賣雙方之間中介人:
A.        機構投資者
B.         經紀
C.         投資顧問
D.        套戥者

21.   衍生權證最可能發行由以下哪種機構發行:
A.    認可財務機構
B.    聯交所
C.    上市公司
D.    投資銀行

22.   以下哪一項並不包括在國際證券事務監察委員會組織確認的金融從業員應遵守的七項一般操守準則之內:
A.    誠實公平
B.    勤勉盡責
C.    社會責任
D.    遵守規例
23.   投資可利用專線網絡系統渠道透過互聯網落盤,而買賣盤會經買賣系統盤傳遞系統傳輸至:
A     聯交所自動對盤系統
B.    交易所參與者
C.    結算所參與者
D.    市場莊家

24.   財務顧問負責:
A.    代客戶管理資產,作出投資決定。
B.    為投資者作出適當的投資建議。
C.    根據客戶的需要,協助其制定財務計劃,以實踐其財務目標。
D.    代表其個人或代表其機構進行證券買賣。

25.   以下哪些市場參與者最少可能會使用證券研究分析員的服務﹖
        A.    經紀行
        B.    投資銀行
        C.    機構投資者
        D.    證券保證金融資商

26.   某君持有ABC公司股票50,000股,該公司51紅股,送股前股價為2.00元,問送股後,每股價值應為多少﹖
        A.    1.50
        B.    1.67
       C.    1.83
        D.    2.00

27.   以下哪一項最貼切地形容利率與股價的關係﹖
        A.    利率上升會令股價上升。
        B.    利率上升會令股價下跌。
        C.    利率上升會令股價較波動。
        D.    利率上升與股價無關。

28.   以下哪一種交易需繳付政府印花稅﹖
        A.    沽出香港股票
B.    買入盈富基金
C.    期權買賣交易
        D.    期貨買賣交易

29.   何種上市發行方式必須獲得全數包銷﹖
        A.    發售以供認購
        B.    發售現有證券
        C.    配售
        D.    資本化發行

30.   以下哪一個機構並非自律監管機構﹖
        A.    香港聯合交易所(聯交所)
        B.    香港期貨交易所(期交所)
        C.    香港交易及結算所有限公司(香港交易所)
        D.    證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)

31.   以下哪一個財務比率最能分映一間公司的長期及短期償債能力﹖
        A.    流動比率
        B.    毛利率
        C.    市盈利
        D.    債務比率

32.   以下哪一項是關於供股而非派送紅股的描述﹖
        A.    自動派發予股東。
        B.    股權會攤薄。
        C.    發行股數會增加。
        D.    股東須直接支付款項。

33.   在進行工業股份的行業分析時,經濟變數的影響對下列哪一項的相關性最低﹖
        A.    息率變動
        B.    領先公司的主導地位
        C.    匯率變化
        D.    通脹率水平

34.   以下哪一項是債券投資而非普通股投資的優點﹖
        A.    在股東大會享有投票權。
        B.    擁有公司的權利
        C.    可享受股息。
        D.    對公司的剩餘價值有優先索償權。

35.   場外交易不能減低甚麼風險﹖
A.        流動性風險
B.         市場風險
C.         利率風險
D.        信貸風險

36.   證券經紀須向客戶:
A.        提供月結單。
B.         提供適當的投資意見。
C.         提供特別佣金優惠。
D.        最新市場走勢分析。

37.   為何本地散戶越來越受國際金融市場變化的影響﹖
A.    本地散戶越來越喜歡國際金融市場。
B.    本地金融市場受國際金融市場的影響越來越大。
C.    國際金融市場的波動越來越大。
D.    本地散戶的投資喜好及策略與國際投資相近。

38.   以下哪一項因素在對公用事業股份的行業分析時,相關性最低﹖
A.        政府對環境保護的政策
B.         科技的使用程度
C.         相對強弱指數
D.        燃料價格

39.   以下哪一項對債券及股本證券的描述正確﹖
A.        長遠而言,債券市場較為波動,股票市場表現較穩定。
B.         債券屬長線投資工具,股票屬短線投資工具。
C.         長遠而言,債券的收益回報比股票的收益回報為高。
D.        債券及股票均會受不同的市場因素影響而波動。


1.   A
11.   C
21.   D
31.   D
2.   B
12.   A
22.   C
32.   D
3.   B
13.   D
23.   B
33.   B
4.   D
14.   A
24.   C
34.   D
5.   D
15.   C
25.   D
35.   D
6.   B
16.   C
26.   B
36.   A
7.   A
17.   D
27.   B
37.   B
8.   B
18.   D
28.   A
38.   C
9.   D. 
19.   B
29.   A
39.   D
10.  A
20.   B
30.   D